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Embodied Ritual Leadership

A 8-week  journey empowering women
to step into dynamic Feminine leadership
and embodied facilitation.

Offering you the tools and foundation to confidently
guide your own ceremonies and circles.

Learn the art of ritual facilitation, and the inner work it takes to step into authentic leadership.

Next Program Begins Nov 2024


 To be a integral part of the rising of the sacred feminine to rebalance the planet and
help uplift consciousness for all beings.
This program is for women who are called to step deeper into their feminine power and leadership to be of service
and make a change on the planet.

A woman who is ready for greater
self-mastery and confidence in accessing her own intuitive wisdom and trusting it.

For women who desire to cultivate their
skills of facilitating rituals and circles to guide others
in a grounded authentic way and have impact in the world  through their sacred business and offerings.

This journey will assist you to:

• Reclaim your feminine compass of intuition and heart-knowing

• Actualize your dreams of leading circles

Learn how to market your offerings in alignment with sacred business values

• Cultivate right relationship and deeper connections with the elements, sacred allies and yourself
• Discover and own your medicine and gifts in a circle of sisters

• Embody your power and find your unique expression of ritual facilitation

 Learn practices, meditations, and techniques
for guiding others

• Source from a place of embodied creativity, sensuality, and confidence
As the patriarchal systems of oppression are crumbling and being
revealed, The
Divine Feminine energy on the planet is returning.

This time it’s rising in a powerful way that honors all of life,
Mother Earth and uplifts consciousness for all.

Calling for each one of us to remember why we have come here
and empowering us to step into our leadership and path of service

We have all been encoded with
unique gifts and purpose.
It is time to cultivate and awaken them to heal and guide others to
create change in the world.

Reclaiming our feminine power and seeing a new way of being
interconnected in the greater web of life in the right relationship with

the earth in our offerings and sacred business and creating
circles of light.

Clearing the wounds and patterns that hold us back and make us
play small or feel not enough so that we may
inspire and raise
consciousness for all.
Calling the priestesses home…..the visionaries, wild women,
thought leaders, shadow workers, witches, healers, medicine
women, influencers, entrepreneurs

Together we will create a creative space for healing and
reclamation of our leadership skills and magic.

We begin Nov, 2024

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Facilitated by Natalia Price

Ordained Priestess
& focalizer of the 13 Moon Mystery School
Hello, My name in Natalia and I am honored to be your guide in this temple of Embodied Ritual Leadership.

In this current life, I am an ordained priestess and focalizer of the

13 Moon Mystery School, which I have been with for 20 years.

 I have been leading the year-long priestess initiation circle in person for the last 5 years and virtually online for the last 3 years.

I offer monthly moon circles, workshops,
1:1 coaching, and community rituals for over 12 years.

I am passionate about
empowering women to align with and embody their
feminine wisdom and to take it out into the world to create change.

Born and raised all over South America with Argentinian and Welsh blood,
I have traveled the world following the inner call for the sacred,

Mother Earth, and the expressions of the divine feminine in
cultures, places, and people, especially sacred sites.

I am a death doula and Temple Keeper of the Queen of Death
for the Sanctuary of the Open Heart.

I now live in Nevada City, Northern California, with my 10-year-old son and husband, where we own Sacredskulls Tattoo and Jewelry.

I am continuously weaving my priestess path, family life and sacred business as a living prayer of devotion to uplifting consciousness and rebalancing the planet through the the rising of the Divine Feminine.

Have you been searching for how to ?:

• Create a space of belonging for others?

• Build a community of empowered women that desire to have impact and create change?

• Combine practical, esoteric and embodied practices in a way that transforms and heals?
• Step into your leadership and move past second-guessing and doubting yourself?

• Finding clarity on your path and what you are in service to?

• Find your voice and clear blockages to speaking in public?


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~Kayla Pearson - Systems Analyzer, IT

     “I showed up to this world as someone who was looking to be more for others and I left as being more for myself. This experience changed the course of my life and helped me own my femininity- creating balance and greater purpose.


      I became comfortable in my own skin, knowing my needs are sacred and I have the capability to create the life of my dreams. Embodying each archetype and the challenge they bring to blossom change was an exquisite transformative experience.


      Natalia is a gift and her passion and intuitive wisdom prompted me to cultivate the courage to lean into my true essence and make choices in my life that broke down old patterns and belief systems. I feel cleansed, I feel supplied with an abundance of tools, I feel worthy.”

You’ll receive:

• Weekly live video with grounded step by step teachings guiding you into into facilitating your own circles

• Sacred tools, practices, skills and practical tips to assist you leading others

• PDF worksheets and handouts to deepen your understanding and of what is needed to set up working in groups

• 1:1 and group support to help your create and design your rituals
• Breaking down the skills and steps to leading circles

• Shadow work modules to get the bottom of what is blocking you and holdinug you back from stepping into your leadership

• Practices that support you in moving through blocks and resistance so that you feel confident and ready to lead

• Container of sisterhood to be witnessed and supported with partner allies and accountability
How you are being called to embody your sacred purpose?

This journey assists you in moving through your own blockages and self-doubt and finding your authentic voice in the world.

No more playing small or looking for outside validation.

You are
guided into remembrance of your self-empowerment and sovereignty to feel safe to rise in your feminine leadership with power and presence in greater confidence and inner knowing.

Activating a more connected and freed-up version of yourself to have a
greater impact in the world.

Find the
strength to find your voice, speak your truth, set strong boundaries, stand in your knowings.


How Embodied Ritual leadership Program works:

• Every week we will have a 1.5 housr  Live Group Call on Thursdays at 12 pm pst/3 pm est for an interactive and participatory ritual experience in the temple. Recordings available.

• Deepening  practices and rituals are emailed to you every week to assist you in your commitment and discipline and staying on track with inner work.

• You will have a priestess ally, an accountability partner, to cultivate your priestessing skills and find your voice in an embodied practices.
• There is an online temple platform that will house all the videos,  guided meditations rituals and audio lessons, worksheets and pdfs

Guest speaker videos:
-Sacred business:
Saniah Foy of Sacred business Strategist
-Opening your voice:
Sonja Draculich somatic therapy coach/Stellamara
Ariel Spilsbury, Founder of 13 Moon Mystery School

MODULE 1: INNER WORK : (Self Worth & Confidence )

Week 1: Foundation


 Rise Feminine Leadership & Power


• Power of ritual/ceremony/sacred circles & Why they are important


• Art of embodied facilitation: what is it?


• Empty Presence practice & body check-in

Week 2: Intention & Spiritual Preparations


. Clarify, Align, Challenge


• Becoming a conduit & clearing the channel


• Design a Feed the Feminine First Daily Practice


• Creating relationships with Guides & Allies/ Deity/archetypal realms

Week 3: Shadow Work:


• Subconscious Inner work and blocks


• Navigating Self-doubt, unworthiness, not-enoughness


• Practice for clearing fears & Limiting beliefs around facilitation


• Working with any negativity & sister wounds


Week 4: Beauty way


Altar creation


• The power of symbols to activate


• Establishing Resonance & Coherence Matrix (sound, light, objects, frequency)


• Consecrating sacred tools and talismans

Week 5: Temple pillars


• Learn and create Invocations to call in energies you desire 


• Establish a relationship with the Elements & how to work with them  


• Set the container to anchor and amplify ritual work.

Week 6: Art of Ritual Facilitation


• Step by step Ritual Structure & Format  


• Ceremony and Magical practices  


• Master how to guide groundings and meditation to set the



• Learn how to facilitate transformation with boundaries


Week 7: Group Ritual  


• Take roles and practice together


• Activation ritual for owning and aligning with your power and wisdom


• Design your own ritual and flow with intention


• Practices for Unlocking your voice

(guest teacher)

Week 8:  Sacred Business Skills


• Support in going out and leading a circle


• Sacred business tools (mailing list, social media, landing page).


•  Bonus video with Sacred business coach, Saniah Foy





~Gina Felter. RN, Activist, Intuitive Energy Healer

     "I joined Embodied Ritual Leadership in hopes to get insight on the direction I want to take my energy healing practice. Not only did I get clarity on that, but something unexpected happened......I created a ritual for the healing of the mother wound, and then I did it with my 93 year old mother. Deep healing took place.


     I thought I was going to start my website, but instead I reclaimed fragmented pieces of my inner child, and healed a very long and deep wound. And I started leading rituals. 


     Then I was able to move onto building the website from a more empowered and embodied place.


Early bird 


Until Oct 8, 2023

Pay in Full


Get Workbooks

Payment plan


2 monthly payments of $286


Please email with any concerns or questions
Get on a 1:1 Free Consultation Call with Natalia.

*Discounts for BiPOC & single mothers*

Next Circle start Nov 2024
Get on the Waitlist

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Sign up for Moon Newsletter & monthly virtual Full Moon Circles


Natalia Price 
13 Moon Mystery School 

Sacredskulls Tattoo & Jewelry,

Nevada City CA 95959
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Natalia Price 
13 Moon Mystery

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Sacredskulls Tattoo & Jewelry,

Nevada City CA 95959


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