Kali Ma
Creator Destroyer
Full Moon Circle
Oct 17 @5pm pst/8pm est
Natalia Price
13 Moon Mystery School
Enter into the Red, Black and White Temple of
the Creator Destroyer Preserver.....
.....Kali Ma.
We gather in virtual sisterhood to align with the energy of the Airies Full Moon
to clear out what no longer serves and
Call in what you want to focus on and create.
As so much in our world and patriarchy is falling away right now,
We are invited to consciously work with this archetypal energy to recognize
your attachments & liberate yourself.
She is an essential key in claiming your fully embodied presence and power.

I Focus I Create

*Check your email for zoom link*
Kali Ma is a Hindu Mother Goddess that embodies the power of Creation and Destruction, Oneness, and Liberation….the essence of tantra.
She is a Destroyer of Illusions and anything that stands in the way of creative change, transformation and our ultimate Freedom. In Her three faces, She holds the key to the cycles of birth, death, and rebirth.
She devours our, attachments, arrogance, self doubt, fear, anxiety, comparison, untruth, inauthenticity, jealousy, and inequality.
So that we may be truly Liberated and FREE!
We will explore and embody:
- What are you Creating, Destroying, and Preserving in your life now?
- Identifying and calling out what stuck pattern we have been carrying that are no longer serves.
What Are you DONE With Now? What needs to be Cleaned out?
Dissolve the Places that keep us Playing Small to Liberate ourselves.
- Letting Go of Control; the Fear of Not Enoughness; of being too much; of unworthiness, people-pleasing, and Miss nice. Deconstruct the lies
- Movement practices for freeing our CREATIVE life force: opening the channels that have been shut down or denied so that the force of the Creatrix within each one of us can run free.
- Tuning into what is at the core of what we want to preserve and Reclaim as the diamond light of essence within us.
- Working with the sacred tool of the Crystal Skull. Applying the raw power of this archetype to FOCUS and CREATE now.
~Liberating ourselves! Working with the 3 Tributaries to Freedom; Equanimity, Acceptance and Impartiality
✨+You are invited to bring a candle as fire and
dress in red/white/white to amplify this frequency.